Channel: BeyUK
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: spencerkatekyo hitman rebornspecial endingspecial chaptermetal mastersv forcegoukennydranzerfinal legacykaitalafan fictionmangatsuna awakensafterdurararacontinuationanime tv indiablitzkreig boysmirai nikkinewlastnext generationdragoonfanartscriptdaichinecrokai vs tysontysong revolutiondranzer mfblade breakersbeyukrise above the stormbeyblade risingthugcore cowboymakotobeyblade season 4animechapter 4
Description: Support my pateron: Join the development group below and help us to make this project a reality! Chapter 4 and the end of the arc. Narration by Cloud7z Written by Breedo Drawn by Hao